This Week in Chiptune is on Spotify, as a massive playlist! This playlist seeks to highlight at least one tune from every artist who’s been featured on This Week in Chiptune. It’s an on-going process, so drop me a line on Patreon or Instagram if you have any suggestions!
Tag Archives: chiptune
8Static Festival 2017
I had the pleasure of running the stream for 8Static, an international chiptune festival that takes place in Philadelphia every year! I also had the opportunity to post a couple sets from the fest on the TWiC youtube channel, check out Flow Mein and Roboctopus, two incredible gameboy chiptune musicians.
If you wanted to access the whole fest, you can pledge as little as $1/month on the new 8static patreon, help support an awesome music event, and get access to the private database of show recordings that I am personally editing and uploading this week!
Flow Mein ~ Twitter // Soundcloud
151: 2ToneDisco Guest Mix
I’m on tour this week so 2ToneDisco is filling in with a chiptune, future bass, internet music mix! Give ’em a follow
TWiC 100 Chiptune Album Bundle
To celebrate the 100th episode of This Week in Chiptune, Groupees and I have put together an incredible bundle of chiptune music!
Interview with Chipocrite
An Interview with Philadelphia’s chiptune musician Chipocrite! He makes music with LSDj on a Gameboy, and also plays guitar and bass. Check out Chipocrite’s new album, Wordplay
For more videos, subscribe to TWiC on youtube.