Tag Archives: snes

112: Pterodactyl Squad, Shnabubula, Cheapshot, Bknapp

A chill episode, Super Nintendo inspired music from Bknapp and Shnabubula, deep Nanoloop house from Cheapshot, tracks from DDRKirby(ISQ) and Nitro Pulse, and the new compilation from Pterodactyl Squad!

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Continue reading 112: Pterodactyl Squad, Shnabubula, Cheapshot, Bknapp

078: Jredd, Warez Waldo, Superspink, 456

We’ll hear the debut album of Warez Waldo from Planet Zaxxon, Jredd’s The Next Level off CheapBeats, new chiptune EDM from Superspink and Swedish chip-metal from 456. We’ll also hear James Landino’s contribution to OldStyle, my new album that dropped on Monday.

Continue reading 078: Jredd, Warez Waldo, Superspink, 456