Tag Archives: pterodactyl squad

130 Post-Guch Happy Hardcore Chip Punk

Post-Guch, a term I affectionately use to describe chiptune music in a pop-punk format. It’s a style pioneered by the group Anamanaguchi, and tonight’s tunes are from Slime Girls and Melt Channel. We will also hear tracks of J-NERATION 3, a Japanese happy hardcore EDM compilation, along with tracks from Smooth McGroove Remixed (GameChops) and the new EP from Dream Eater (Pterodactyl Squad)

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112: Pterodactyl Squad, Shnabubula, Cheapshot, Bknapp

A chill episode, Super Nintendo inspired music from Bknapp and Shnabubula, deep Nanoloop house from Cheapshot, tracks from DDRKirby(ISQ) and Nitro Pulse, and the new compilation from Pterodactyl Squad!

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Continue reading 112: Pterodactyl Squad, Shnabubula, Cheapshot, Bknapp

083: Professor Shyguy, Alex Powrs, Fearofdark, Tetracase

Wonderful chiptunes from Mexico by Alex Powrs, chilled out chip-jazz from Fearofdark, and vocal chiptune cover songs by Professor Shyguy. Singles from VOIA, Phonetic Hero, and an Anamanaguchi remix by Tetracase.

Continue reading 083: Professor Shyguy, Alex Powrs, Fearofdark, Tetracase

057: Brave Wave, Protodome, George and Jonathan, Player Two

April 30th 2014 – Tonight we play catch up on some great albums from labels Brave Wave, Pterodactyl Squad, Electric City Outrun and Bleepstreet! Also new music from George and Jonathan, Kenobit, Koishistyle and Leaf.

Get access to the after parties by pledging on Patreon.

Continue reading 057: Brave Wave, Protodome, George and Jonathan, Player Two

042: Bleepstreet, Dubmood, Cheap Dinosaurs

This week we’ve got Music Disk #1 from Bleepstreet, new albums from Cheap Dinosaurs (8static), Please Lose Battle (Pterodactyl Squad), and Dubmood (Data Airlines).

Tonight’s Sponsor: Rain World, an indie game with music by James of Bright Primate. Check out their Kickstarter:
Project Rain World

Continue reading 042: Bleepstreet, Dubmood, Cheap Dinosaurs

007: Anamanaguchi, Henry Homesweet, The Flight Away

Tonight we hear chiptunes from the following albums,
Anamanaguchi – Endless Fantasy
Henry Homesweet – Box Model [ Bleepstreet ]
Diad – Self Titled [ Ubiktune ]
The Flight Away – Sega Swing
Misfit Chris – Crush Wave [ Data Airlines ]
Whitely – Paradise Island
Renegade 8 – Dark City [ Pterodactyl Squad ]

Continue reading 007: Anamanaguchi, Henry Homesweet, The Flight Away