Synthwave and chill out tunes and video game remixes from Nelward, Karl Brueggemann, Molasar (Telefuture) and For Astronauts and Satallites (CheapBeats)
Tag Archives: jazzy
JAZZY: TWiC episodes that contain music produced by jazz musicians, or written in a jazz style.
108: Joshua Morse, Auxcide, Misfit Chris, RobKTA
New remixes from Joshua Morse’s The Waveform Collection, new EPs from Auxcide, Misfit Chris, and RobKTA, plus singles by Ralfington, Protodome, Phonetic Hero, Ben Briggs and Sare.
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107: Video Game Music, Yoann Turpin, Red&Green
Tonight’s show is full of video game covers, from Shovel Knight to Splatoon to Ducktales and Yooka-Laylee! We’ll also hear music from Italian chiptuner Red&Green, french musician Yoann Turpin, and Russian chip-musician Kola Kid, plus game composers BigGiantCircles and Alex Wiklund!
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105: Vince Kaichan, Jredd & Groovemaster303, Cheap Dinosaurs, Zantilla
A chilled out, funked up episode dedicated to FM Synth in the style of Sega Genesis! Albums from Vince Kaichan, Jredd & Groovemaster303 (CheapBeats), along with Zantilla, Popcornkid, and Cheap Dinosaurs.
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103: Maxo, Zalza, Mega Flare
Three knock-out albums tonight, Chordslayer by Maxo, Superposition by Zalza, and Main Course by Mega Flare! We’ll also hear singles from CheapBeats and TWiC’s own Chjolo!
Mega Flare – Bibimbap (feat. Protoflight)
Mega Flare – Yakisoba (feat. Kommisar)
Mega Flare – General Tso (feat. STAR☆DRIVER)
Mega Flare – Sushi (feat. DBOYD)
Maxo – Reach You
Maxo – Sunset BB feat. meesh
Maxo – Honeybell
Maxo – Mediumrare
Zalza – Douchebag Rumble
Zalza – Window Of Opportunities
Zalza – Emilia’s Wonderland
Two Games One Boy – Yarara
Zalza – Just Clowning Around
Zalza – Waves Of Energy
Zalza – Serotonin
Chjolo – Gustaberg (Final Fantasy XI Remix)
086: Chipocrite, Rushjet1, DDRKirby(ISQ)
We’ve got Chipocrite live in the living room, we’ll hear brand new tracks off his upcoming album Wordplay. We’ll hear indie game soundtracks from Rushjet1 and DDRKirby, and singles by Jredd, Solviio, Josh Zimmerman, Stargazer and Dream*Eater.
081: Monomer, Graz, IAYD, MisfitChris
A progressive show tonight, starting with atmospheric chiptunes from DDRKirby(ISQ), MisfitChris + Porshie Fufu (Data Airlines), and Monomer (Ubiktune / Telefuture). The second half of the show features Chiptunes written with the LSDj software and made on a Nintendo Gameboy. Chiptunes from Graz (Data Fruits), Shoujo Kiss (MAGIC YUME Records) and the full-length debut from IAYD (The Base Bit Recordings).
068: Yoann Turpin, Manami Matsumae, LSA
July 17th 2014 – Tonight we’ll hear new music from a compilation released by Little Sound Assembly, promoting their upcoming chiptune festival. We’ll also hear albums by Manami Matsumae (Mega Man, Mighty No 9), Chip Songbook Vol. 5 by Yoann Turpin, the split EP by Chud001 & Rolemusic from Spain, and tracks by Maxo and Jonathan (George & Jonathan).
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