Tag Archives: toriena

TWiC 200: Groundbreakers & Skyscrapers

For the grand finale of This Week in Chiptune, I selected 200 of my favorite chiptune and chip-inspired tracks from a pool of over 7000; my entire collection of singles, albums and compilations that were sourced to create the series. I’ve included some historic and groundbreaking tracks from the chiptune scene, some of these songs stretch back almost a decade. I’ve also include tracks by musicians and producers who’ve taken the chiptune to new heights. There are also some of my personal favorites and mainstay musicians of TWiC. Thank you so much for the last 5 years and two hundred incredible episodes; a special thank you to all my patrons on Patreon for making it possible.

Continue reading TWiC 200: Groundbreakers & Skyscrapers

TWiC 162: Upbeat Chiptune Mix (Decktonic, Toriena, Aethernaut, Nanode)

Upbeat chiptune mix featuring new EPs from Decktonic, Toriena, Aethernaut and the Chunderfins, Nanode (an Undertale Remix EP) and KRVKT (BleepLove.ru). We also get a sneak peak at one of the tracks of the brand new OST to Klang!

Continue reading TWiC 162: Upbeat Chiptune Mix (Decktonic, Toriena, Aethernaut, Nanode)

101: Algar, Robotprins, Bknapp, Parallelogram Records

This Week in Chiptune we’ve got a full length album of Algar, chiptune beats by Bknapp, two releases from Cheapbeats (Robotprins and n00bstar) a new single for Toriena and a new comp from Parallelogram Records!

Continue reading 101: Algar, Robotprins, Bknapp, Parallelogram Records