Tag Archives: ctrix
TWiC 176: SOUNDSHOCK! FM Funk from Ubiktune
This episode we dive into FM Funk by way of Ubiktune, their album trilogy SOUNDSHOCK! First released in 2011, FM Funk MADDNESS was followed up with FM Funk TERROR in 2012. The third installment, FM Funk NIRVANA released just this past week, so this episode will be a mix of all three incredible chiptune albums!
Continue reading TWiC 176: SOUNDSHOCK! FM Funk from Ubiktune
TWiC 171: Blast From The Past
We get a blast from the past from some Chiptuners who were kickin’ it before I was even in the scene! New releases from Coda and Algar, plus we take a look back at the 2013 compilation from MicroCollective, and chiptune EDM by Bitonal Landscape.
104: Ultrasyd, Sabrepulse, A_Rival, Glenntai, She
An epic show of chiptune dance music! New albums from A_Rival and Tiasu, remix albums from Sabrepulse and Glenntai, a new EP from She, and a new track from Monstercat artists Kevin Villecco & Sushi Killer, now known as Hyper Potions!
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Continue reading 104: Ultrasyd, Sabrepulse, A_Rival, Glenntai, She
091: Weekly Treats 2014 Review
This episode takes a look back and some of the incredible Chiptune tracks released as party of Weekly Treats year in 2014. Weekly Treats is a netlabel that puts out a free exclusive single each week. Check out new singles at WeeklyTreats.net, and past years on Bandcamp.
054: Snesei, James Landino, Unicorn Princess, H33llxz
We’ll hear the new LSDj album from Snesei, game soundtracks from A_Rival, Saskrotch and H33llxz, and more music from James Landino, Mostly Toast, cTrix and The Unicorn Princess.
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Continue reading 054: Snesei, James Landino, Unicorn Princess, H33llxz
042: Bleepstreet, Dubmood, Cheap Dinosaurs
This week we’ve got Music Disk #1 from Bleepstreet, new albums from Cheap Dinosaurs (8static), Please Lose Battle (Pterodactyl Squad), and Dubmood (Data Airlines).
Tonight’s Sponsor: Rain World, an indie game with music by James of Bright Primate. Check out their Kickstarter:
Project Rain World
038: cTrix, Auxcide, virt
New albums from cTrix via Bleepstreet (A for Amiga), virt (Ultionus), and two new albums from Auxcide via 8static (Speck and Pixel). Chiptune cover songs, original game music and funky 80’s Amiga music!